2019 Chinese Painting Teachers and Students Artwork Exhibition

Chinese painting, known well as Guohua, has its own system in the art field of the world and becomes the MAIN STREAM OF ORIENT PAINTING SYSTEM.
2019 Chinese painting exhibition by Artist.com.sg teachers and students featuring the artworks in 33x33cm and 33x66cm by Class 2019 students and teacher, the topics including flowers & birds, mountains and landscapes, animals and Gong Bi paintings which are all originals by the participating members.
Total over 40 paintings were exhibited during the exhibition and many of them were sold immediately during the exhibition opening.
We currently have ongoing Chinese painting courses at our studio 90 Goodman Road, Goodman Arts Centre, Block O, #02-65, S439053.
If you are interested in our Chinese painting courses, view the course page to find out more, you can also contact us @ whatsapp +65 88115238 or visit our contact page to leave us your questions or queries.
Click the Icon on the left to download the Book for the 2019 Chinese Painting Exhibition