Singapore Chinese Painting Course Intermediate level class
Author Archives: Artist Singapore
Singapore Chinese Painting Course for Kids, Singapore art class, art class for kids, singapore art education, guided by professional
At our art studio, we provide Chinese painting class for kids above 6 years old. Chinese painting is different from other types of paintings. For example, sketch oil painting can be modified at any time; Chinese painting takes shape and cannot be changed. So you can exercise your child’s ability to judge. Cultivate children’s thinking ability and […]
In today’s video, we will show you how to paint panda in Chinese painting, if you would like to learn more Chinese painting, you can check out the Chinese painting courses below.
Singapore Chinese Painting Course Intermediate level class
Chinese Painting Course for beginners, the whole course comes with certificate, the beginner chinese painting course will cover flower painting, landscape painting, gongbi painting and trees painting
Quick Chinese Painting Idea – Painting Tiger 国画老虎 The Demonstration is by Steven Fang Yucheng, who is the Chinese painting teacher at Steven’s personal website Read More Chinese painting Rose – 国画玫瑰 Chinese Painting – Orchid 国画胡姬花演示 Chinese Painting Orchid 国画胡姬花彩墨
Quick Chinese Painting Idea – Painting Rose 国画玫瑰
The Demonstration is by Steven Fang Yucheng, who is the Chinese painting teacher at Steven’s personal website
Chinese Calligraphy is a unique type of art formed in the history of the evolution of Chinese national characters. The rise of Chinese calligraphy art began with the generation of Chinese characters. “Sound can’t be transmitted to other places, stay at different times, so it’s a matter of writing. Writers, so it is the trace […]
The name orchid is derived from the Greek word “orkhis”. This exotic flower was named by an ancient Greek botanist named Theophrastos who thought that the fleshy underground tubers resembled the male anatomy. One of the major orchid genera is Paphiopedilum. The name is derived from the word “Paphos” which is the name of the […]