Qi Baishi (齊白石, 1864-1957) Qi Baishi was one of the most beloved and well-known Chinese artists of the 19th and 20th centuries. The subjects of his paintings include almost everything, Qi Baishi is particularly known for painting shrimps. His original name is Qi Huang (齊璜) and style name Weiqing (渭清). Some of Qi’s major influences […]
Author Archives: Artist Singapore
Zhang Daqian or Chang Dai-chien (Chinese: 张大千, 10 May 1899 – 2 April 1983) was one of the best-known and most prodigious Chinese artists of the twentieth century. Originally known as a guohua (traditionalist) painter, by the 1960s he was also renowned as a modern impressionist and expressionist painter. In addition, he is regarded as […]
Today we are going to painting a hummingbird using watercolor, in this watercolor video for kids and beginners, we are going to show you step by step how to paint in watercolor. This art tutorial is created by Artist Junior TV which is subsidiary of www.artist.com.sg which is a full-fledged art media platform based […]
Steven Fang Yucheng 房玉成 inherited the art gene from his father, who loves painting and playing violin, “I started to paint everywhere I could when I was about 2 years old, initially this causes a lot problems, because we rent a house at the time, and I started to paint on the walls, not only our room, also landlord’s house walls with anything that could make a color… but gradually my parents found that I wasn’t drawing randomly…” Steven said.
Today we are going to show you how to draw london bridge using ruler, step by step drawing demo, we create the video for kids to learn how to draw and paint, simple drawing idea for kids to learn how to draw, paint and enjoy art.
The orchid is a flower with a hint of fragrance. The orchid is full of fragrance and the color of the flower is very popular. So what is the meaning of orchids, what are the symbolic meanings of orchids? Orchid is a precious and magical herb. She grows in the wild forests of the mountains. […]
In this video today, we are showing you how to paint an old car using watercolor step by step, watch the video and pick up your pencil and brushes to paint one for yourself today, keep creating new things everyday! hope you enjoy this video and help us click on that thumb up if you […]
Chinese Painting – Beginner Full Course 10 Sessions Every Friday 7-9pm Our new Chinese painting beginner full course starts on May 24th (Friday), 2019 7-9pm, and will run every Friday 7-9pm for 10 weeks, total course fee is S$330 only. The full course will come with certificate after completion and will eligible to enroll our […]
Many people think the traditional Chinese painting is very 2 dmension like style and this limits the style from nowadays the realistic paintings, but that’s a misunderstanding of Chinese painting, as a style that’s using water and ink as the main medium, Chinese painting actually can do a lot, and let’s look at some of […]
Artist Name: Xu Hai Qing Distinguished Painter in residence, by Youth Academy of Li Keran Academy of Painting Xu was born in Weifang, Shandong province in 1981, graduated from Art College of Renmin University of China in 2006, Xu’s teachers include master Lu Yushun & master Zhang Zhimin. 徐海庆,李可染画院青年画院特聘画家,1981年生于山东潍坊,2002年考取中国人民大学艺术学院,2006年毕业,获学士学位,师从卢禹舜,张志民。 Art Exhibitions: 2014, Hanyishenfei Chinese Painting […]