Mountain & Trees Painting – Chinese Ink Painting Workshop Demo Painting during the Song dynasty (960–1279) reached a further development of landscape painting; immeasurable distances were conveyed through the use of blurred outlines, mountain contours disappearing into the mist, and impressionistic treatment of natural phenomena. The shan shui style painting—”shan” meaning mountain, and “shui” meaning […]
Author Archives: Artist Singapore
GongBi 工笔画工作坊 Chinese Painting Workshop – GongBi Painting Gongbi (工笔/工筆) is a realist technique in Chinese painting, the opposite of the freely expressive xieyi (写意/寫意) style. The gongbi technique uses highly detailed brushstrokes that delimits details very precisely and without independent or expressive variation. It is often highly colored and usually depicts figural or narrative […]
Watercolor painting appreciation – Rose Painting Watercolor painting is extremely old, dating perhaps to the cave paintings of paleolithic Europe, and has been used for manuscript illustration since at least Egyptian times but especially in the European Middle Ages. However, its continuous history as an art medium begins with the Renaissance. The German Northern Renaissance […]
Japanese Sumi-e painting appreciation SUMI-E is the Japanese word for Black Ink Painting. East Asian Painting and writing developed together in ancient China using the same materials —brush and ink on paper. For Sumi-e, the emphasis is placed on the beauty of each individual stroke of the brush. The Chinese speak of “writing a painting” […]
Why “Fish” in Chinese represent Wealth? In Chinese culture, the symbol of fish has two attributed qualities. The first one is the aspect of abundance (because of the ability of fish to quickly reproduce in large quantities). The words for fish and abundance are pronounced the same in Chinese (鱼,yu余) so the fish in the […]
EXHIBITION OVERVIEW (- National Gallery Singapore) Wu Guanzhong (1919-2010) is one of the most significant artists of 20th century China. His distinctive style fuses Western and Chinese art traditions, and set a new direction for modern Chinese art. A prolific painter and writer, his works paved the way for younger generations of artists and continue […]
“The Gentleman from East” – Bamboo – Chinese Painting Appreciation In Chinese tradition, bamboo symbolizes the elasticity, longevity, happiness and spiritual truth of life. Bamboo has an unusual Chinese traditional cultural meaning. Bamboo is always green and symbolizes tenacious life and youth forever; bamboo hollow represents the character of the open mind; its branches are […]
Chinese ink painting workshop – Mountain & Cloud Mountain & Cloud – Chinese Ink Painting Workshop Date: August 25th, 2018 (Saturday) Time: 3 Hours (14:00 – 17:00) Fee: S$55 (All material provided, Free flow of Chinese Tea, Coffee & Snacks) Studio Address: 90 Goodman Road, Goodman Arts Centre, Block O, #02-65, Singapore 439053 In this 3 hours Mountain & Cloud Chinese […]
Chinese Ink Painting Workshop – Peony Painting Join us for our peony painting workshop to learn chinese ink painting and it requires zero background! 1
Chinese Ink Painting Demo – Lotus Chinese ink painting workshop In this painting demo, we will show you how to paint Lotus in Chinese ink and brush, if you want to explore more on Chinese ink painting, welcome to join our art workshop Date: Every Sunday 2-4pm, Every Tuesday 2-4pm Time: 14:00 – 16:00 Fee: S$35 (All material […]