Category Archives: News

Can Chinese Painting (Xie Yi) be used to do portrait painting?

Many people think the traditional Chinese  painting is very 2 dmension like style and this limits the style from nowadays the realistic paintings, but that’s a misunderstanding of Chinese painting, as a style that’s using water and ink as the main medium, Chinese painting actually can do a lot, and let’s look at some of […]

The ultimate state of mind in Chinese painting – China Artist Xu Hai Qing

Artist Name: Xu Hai Qing Distinguished Painter in residence, by Youth Academy of Li Keran Academy of Painting Xu was born in Weifang, Shandong province in 1981, graduated from Art College of Renmin University of China in 2006, Xu’s teachers include master Lu Yushun & master Zhang Zhimin. 徐海庆,李可染画院青年画院特聘画家,1981年生于山东潍坊,2002年考取中国人民大学艺术学院,2006年毕业,获学士学位,师从卢禹舜,张志民。 Art Exhibitions: 2014, Hanyishenfei Chinese Painting […]

Learn how to paint KOI fish and Gold fish in Chinese Painting

koi fish chinese painting

Koi fish symbolism (pronounced coy fish) is common in both Chinese culture and feng shui, depicted on artwork, clothing, tattoos, and even with live fish used in landscape design. By knowing the koi meaning and long history, you can more easily understand why people revere this beautiful fish so deeply. Koi are an ancient and […]

Yang Qun Opera Paintings Exhibition Singapore Station

艺术家/Artist: 杨群Yang Qun 展期/Exhibition Time:1月18—1月23 开幕时间/Opening: 1月18下午七点 展览地点/Exhibition Location:新加坡239003穆罕默德苏丹路65 Homes65艺术空间Homes65 Artroom,65 Mohamed Sultan Road Singapore 239003 联系电话 Tel:9648-1762 Introduction to YANG QUN Born in Feb.1958,Graduated from Normal University of An Hui, specializing in woodcut, in 1982 Taught in Art Department of Teacher’s College of Fu Yang in 1985 and participated in first Two-person’s woodcut show […]

Chinese stone seal carving appreciation

Chinese stone seal carving appreciation In the Shang dynasty (around 3,600 years ago) seals started being used in the government offices, where they represented authority and power. During the Shang and Zhou dynasties the materials for seal making were mainly animal bone, copper (bronze), and pottery. There were specially trained, sophisticated artisans or craftsmen, including […]

10 Beautiful Acrylic Painting Ideas to try!

10 acrylic painting ideas to try for beginner 09

10 Beautiful Acrylic Painting Ideas to try today! Easy acrylic painting ideas for beginners are quite easy to try and follow. Art has no boundries and it never demand ones expertise Essentials for crafting acrylic paintings: Paint brushes of good quality artist palette paper towels varnish cup of water

Art & Interior Design

singapore art and interior design

A home’s interior design is defined by its details. the furniture, color, and layout of every room must be cohesive and logical, but the smaller, often-overlooked facets of design – including the selection of art – are what really make a home unique and vibrant. Considering the walls of your residence as mere frames and […]

Watercolor painting appreciation – Rose Painting

Watercolor painting appreciation – Rose Painting Watercolor painting is extremely old, dating perhaps to the cave paintings of paleolithic Europe, and has been used for manuscript illustration since at least Egyptian times but especially in the European Middle Ages. However, its continuous history as an art medium begins with the Renaissance. The German Northern Renaissance […]

Japanese Sumi-e painting appreciation

Japanese Sumi-e painting appreciation SUMI-E is the Japanese word for Black Ink Painting. East Asian Painting and writing developed together in ancient China using the same materials —brush and ink on paper. For Sumi-e, the emphasis is placed on the beauty of each individual stroke of the brush. The Chinese speak of “writing a painting” […]