Category Archives: News

Affordable Art Fair | 17-19 November 2017 | Latest Singapore Art Event

Affordable Art Fair Singapore returns to the F1 Pit Building this November. Over 65 exhibitors will present an array of original artworks Latest Singapore Art Event, With everything from traditional ink painting, abstract canvases, stunning sculpture, edition prints to eye-catching photography, you can find artworks to suit every space, taste and budget.

爱善暹粒,新加坡艺术家再度柬埔寨举办画展 Victor Ang’s Cambodia Art Exhibition for Charity

Four years ago, Victor Ang visited Cambodia for the first time with his friends, from there on, Victor is indissolubly bound to this land, in the coming Nov 17th, he will set up his art exhibition at Cambodia’s 2nd largest city Siem Reap, all the incoming from the Art exhibition will be donated to the local […]

AAC2017 Art Contest Award Ceremony @ Visual Arts Centre Singapore

Singapore art event aac2017 art contest winners

AAC 2017 Online Art Contest Winner Award Ceremony is on @ Visual Arts Centre, Singapore Oct 31st, 2017 Top 20 artists come out from the contest have joined the Award Ceremony. The AAC2017 is the first online art contest held by Artist Singapore, AllGo Digital Group and the partner companies. During the whole contest, we […]

Artist – Danya Yu “Colors of Comple-X-city Art Exhibition”

Danya Yu with her latest artworks for her upcoming solo exhibition, Colors of Comple-X-city - colors of the “third culture kid”

Danya Yu is an accountant-turned-artist who graduated from The University of Melbourne, Australia and subsequently, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts and Loughborough University, UK. She is specialized in Western Painting and Drawing. Since young, she has been residing in different countries. As a result of her international experiences, the local subject matters in her artwork […]

[Open Call] Calling for Artists to participate visual arts projects for Taman Jurong neighbourhood

Taman Jurong Community Art and Culture Club is calling for Artist for participatory visual arts projects for Taman Jurong neighbourhood, in 4th-year open run. A collaboration between National Arts Council and Taman Jurong Community Arts and Culture Club, Our Gallery at Taman Jurong seeks to engage Taman Jurong residents in visual arts projects facilitated by […]

360 VR Art Exhibition – Singapore NS50 – Commemorating NS50 Through ART – ION ART Gallery Exhibition

Check out the VR Art Exhibition for NS50 celebration! Latest VR technologies to change your way to appreciate Art In commemoration of NS50, the Singapore Art Society commissioned a group of artists to visit the NS Army and Army Museum of Singapore, to get inspiration to create art pieces and showcase the Army through Art, the series of […]

[360 VR] Singapore-Japan Ink Painting Exchange Art Exhibition 2017

Singapore-Japan Ink Painting Exchange Art Exhibition 2017 is an ink painting exhibition jointly organized by the Siaw-Tao Chinese Seal-Carving, Calligraphy and Painting Society (Singapore) and The International Sumi-e Association (Japan). The friendship between Siaw-Tao and the International Sumi-e Associate goes back 16 years. Since 2001, Ms Kinsui Katori has invited Siaw-Tao to participate in the […]

[Video] Singapore-Japan Ink Painting Exchange Exhibition 2017

Singapore-Japan Ink Painting Exchange Exhibition 2017 is an ink painting exhibition jointly organized by the Siaw-Tao Chinese Seal-Carving, Calligraphy and Painting Society (Singapore) and The International Sumi-e Association (Japan). The friendship between Siaw-Tao and the International Sumi-e Associate goes back 16 years. Since 2001, Ms Kinsui Katori has invited Siaw-Tao to participate in the Exhibition […]

[Video] South West China Thriving Energy Art Exhibition – Singapore China Culture Center

south west china thriving energy artwork show

西南中国 茁壮生长的力量 四川美术学院教师优秀作品展 Southwest China Thriving Energy- Faculty Exhibition of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute 时间:2017年7月29日 星期六 至8月15日 星期二 Time:July 29th (Saturday) to August 15th, 2017 (Tuesday) 地点:中国文化中心二楼展厅 Venue:2nd Floor, Exhibition Hall, China Cultural Centre 主办单位: 中国文化中心 中外文化交流中心 四川美术学院 Sponsor: China Cultural Centre Network of International Culturalink Entities Sichuan Fine Arts Institute

Pasir Ris Beach Art Festival 2017 – July 28-29, 2017 | 巴西立沙滩艺术节,创造沙滩上的奇幻糖果艺术世界

2017 Pasir Ris Beach Arts Festival

Have you blocked time this weekend to take advantage of the free admission to the Pasir Ris Beach Arts Festival 2017? Join us from 5pm to 9pm on 29 July and take part in various activities such as Candy Origami and learning how to make your very own Candy Coloured Slime as you enjoy an […]