The Singapore Arts Federation 50th Anniversary Exhibition featured pieces that ranged from Chinese calligraphy to watercolour paintings. It was wonderful to see so many different kinds of artworks from Singapore’s many arts societies all exhibited together, reflecting Singapore’s vibrant and colourful visual arts scene. 老树发新芽,总会再出发 —新加坡艺术总会金禧画展隆重开幕 -邹璐 成立于1967年8月7日的新加坡艺术总会是一个结合了不同种族、不同艺术形式,包括39个文化艺术团体和六名个人会员的名副其实的艺术总会。今年,总会将要庆祝成立50周年,在现任陈声桂会长的全力推动下,一系列庆祝活动,包括金禧书画展、周年晚宴、出版纪念特刊等陆续有声有色地全面展开。 其中,联合各艺术团体共同参与的金禧画展于7月8日(星期六)在中国文化中心二楼展厅隆重开幕,吸引了近200位艺术家,以及社会各界人士出席,新加坡文化、社区及青年部傅海燕部长以主宾身份,以一袭高贵优雅的越南奥黛,盛装出席开幕式,并发表热情洋溢、充满勉励的致辞,傅海燕部长在致辞中回顾了总会的发展历史,感谢总会资助本地多项文化事业的发展,对国家、社会和艺术界做出贡献。她说,新加坡将通过政府扶持、民间与政府合作、艺术团体积极推广,三管齐下方式,将新加坡的文化艺术推向高峰。 中国驻新加坡大使馆陈晓东大使,以及中国大使馆文化参赞阙小华先生也以贵宾身份出席画展,并在总会领导及画展筹委会主席何钰峰的陪同下,认真观赏了现场展出作品,并与在场的艺术家愉快交流。 新加坡艺术总会自成立以来,走过一段不平凡的发展之路,总会最早由时任文化政务部长的李炯才倡议创办。1967年正式成立之时,属下的团体不仅包括四大种族,艺术类别涵盖绘画、舞蹈、音乐、戏剧等,是我国最大规模的艺术团体,对促进不同种族艺术融合,丰富活跃我国艺文生态做出贡献,历任会长包括何家良、欧清福、李炯才(已故)、邝摄治等。 现任会长陈声桂自1974年加入总会,在总会任职副会长22年,对总会的历史沿革,发展脉络了如指掌,去年三月,他从上任会长何家良手中接手会长的重担,有意让总会再度活跃,因此将原有的会员团体重新召集起来,并积极开放门户,欢迎新团体加入到总会的大家庭。50周年画展是系列庆祝活动的一部分,也是总会再出发的新起点。陈声桂在致辞中指出,新加坡艺术总会一直致力于为本地艺术活动筹措资金,资助新加坡艺术家办展、交流,同时还为政府和艺术家之间提供沟通交流的渠道。多年来,新加坡艺术总会也与中国文化界互动往来,各会员团体多次与来自中国的艺术家和艺术团体展开交流。 本次画展汇集了包括啸涛篆刻书法研究会、拔萃画会、华翰书画研究会、三一指画会、现代画会、新加坡美术教师会、中华美术研究会、南洋美专校友会、马来画家协会,以及新加坡书法家协会、水彩画会、艺术协会等13个团体的101位书画家的作品参展。中国文化中心二楼展厅空间被充分利用起来,展出的作品作品形式、题材多样,包括书法、水墨、油画、篆刻、水彩、粉彩、峇迪、盆景等。作品风格既有传统,也有现代,有抽象,也有具象,可谓百花齐放,既有资深艺术家的代表作,也有中生代艺术家充满活力的崭新创作,体现了本地一大批活跃艺术家的创作风格和艺术水准。 展出为期一周,为配合展出,期间也同时举办现场示范以及专题讲座等。 展出日期:2017年7月8日—15日(星期一休息) […]
Category Archives: News
2017 Marks 50 years of National Service. As a tribute to our National servicemen past and present, the Singapore Art Society initiated “Commemorating NS50 through ART”. More than 50 artists from Singapore Art Society took up the challenge to capture the essence of National Service, as a legacy to be handed “From my Generation to […]
In 2017, we commemorate 50 years of National Service (NS50). This is a significant milestone in Singapore’s nation building journey. For 50 years, NS has fulfilled a critical need for defence and security and provided the peace and stability on which we have built Singapore. It is also a rite of passage for every Singaporean […]
Affordable Art Fair Singapore has returned to the F1 Pit Building for its Spring edition in April. This is a Vlog about the fair 🙂 it’s not an official marketing video
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This site-specific painting installation depicts a landscape teeming with surreal creatures and anthropomorphic animals, some of which are inspired by local icons, mascots and talking points, and others that represent the artist’s alter egos. The different walls represent zones and portals that the characters must move through, with the chequered platforms that they inhabit suggesting […]
SINGAPORE: The Government is looking at how creative arts tertiary education can be developed as many young people in Singapore are interested in this area, Parliamentary Secretary Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim said. “Arts education cultivates creativity, imagination, multiple perspectives, and innovation; each trait is important in forging our future,” he said, speaking at the Ministry […] 1. DA:NS Series Matthew Bourne’s Sleeping Beauty A Gothic Romance From the award-winning choreographer of Swan Lake comes this modern update of classic fairytale The Sleeping Beauty. Be dazzled by the extravagant sets, stunning costumes, graceful dancers, and phenomenal music by Tchaikovsky as the enchanting story of mystical love between Princess Aurora and her […]
The AGAS exists as one voice for art galleries to make representations to various government agencies, arts organisations, media, and the general public both at home and abroad. It is the industry body that governs professional and ethical gallery practice in Singapore and serves to increase public awareness of the roles and responsibilities of art […]
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