Affordable Chinese Ink Painting Course for Beginner
Chinese Ink Painting is an art form that started thousands of years ago. It refers to the application of paint on rice paper (宣纸).
Date & Time:
- Every Sunday 10am-12noon
Fee: S$58/Session; 10 Sessions @ S$580
Studio Address: 371 Beach Road, City Gate Mall, #01-31, S199597
The art of Chinese Brush Painting typically embodies philosophical concepts. The Chinese ink painting can be a quiet scene or telling you a story, with a poem at the side of the painting.
The two main techniques in Chinese painting are:
- Gongbi (工筆), meaning “meticulous”, uses highly detailed brushstrokes that delimits details very precisely.
- XieYi (写意) Ink and wash painting, in Chinese shui-mo (水墨, “water and ink”) also loosely termed watercolour or brush painting, and also known as “literati painting”.
In this 10 sessions Chinese ink painting workshop, we are going to go through the activities such as:
- Discover the traditions of Chinese painting and learn the history behind Chinese Ink painting
- Experiment with different Chinese artistic tools and styles, guided by professional
- Create your very own Chinese Ink painting on rice paper – and take it home!
- 10 sessions to cover the following Chinese Ink Painting Subjects
- XieYi 写意
- Shan Shui
- Quin Shou
- Hua Hui (Lotus, Peony)
- Hua Niao
- GongBi 工笔
- XieYi 写意
- Very personalized experience for Max 8 people group