Tag Archives: 360 VR Art Exhibition

360 VR Art Exhibition – Singapore NS50 – Commemorating NS50 Through ART – ION ART Gallery Exhibition

Check out the VR Art Exhibition for NS50 celebration! Latest VR technologies to change your way to appreciate Art In commemoration of NS50, the Singapore Art Society commissioned a group of artists to visit the NS Army and Army Museum of Singapore, to get inspiration to create art pieces and showcase the Army through Art, the series of […]

[360 VR] Singapore-Japan Ink Painting Exchange Art Exhibition 2017

Singapore-Japan Ink Painting Exchange Art Exhibition 2017 is an ink painting exhibition jointly organized by the Siaw-Tao Chinese Seal-Carving, Calligraphy and Painting Society (Singapore) and The International Sumi-e Association (Japan). The friendship between Siaw-Tao and the International Sumi-e Associate goes back 16 years. Since 2001, Ms Kinsui Katori has invited Siaw-Tao to participate in the […]